1, Institutskaya Square, Omsk, Russia, 644008 Show on the map


Russian gasoline needs 4 million tons of grain

Now the Russian gasoline market is about 35 million tons, and to add 5% bioethanol, Russian producers must grow an additional 4 million tons of grain. In this case, varieties must have special properties. This and other topics were discussed at a meeting of the Expert Commission on the inclusion of varieties of corn and fodder crops in the State Register of selection achievements approved for use. The commission meeting was chaired by the head of the State Variety Commission…

Omsk Sladonezh is included in the list of one hundred of the best goods in Russia!

On December 10, Omsk Expocenter hosted the award ceremony for the winners of the All-Russian stage of the competition  '100 Best Goods of Russia'. The Omsk company Sladonezh (Omsky Biocluster member), whose products are so loved by Omsk residents and not only, received well-deserved awards!

Omsk Reference Center confirms qualifications

The staff of the Expert Veterinary Laboratory of the Omsk Reference Center of the Rosselkhoznadzor (Omsky Biocluster member) has confirmed the high level of their qualifications. In October, experts took part in the Interlaboratory comparative tests organized by the official provider - the All-Russian State Center for the Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feeds.

The potential roads to recovery from African swine fever in China

In 2020, the EU is forecasting for Chinese pig meat production to hit a low of 34.5 million tonnes. Under the faster recovery scenario, production is forecast to reach pre-ASF levels in 2025, and continue growing to 2030. In the slower recovery scenario, production does not fully recover in the coming decade.

Omsk grain through the Northern Sea Route: Money or Environment?

Omsk livestock and poultry farms, as well as grain processors, are anxious about 2020 regarding plans for transshipment of Russian export grain from Omsk and Kurgan regions through the port of Sabetta (Yamal) for buyers in Southeast Asia. Such plans were confirmed by the Deputy Director of the Department of Development of the Northern Sea Route and Coastal Territories of the Directorate of the Northern Sea Route of Rosatom State Corporation Maxim Kulinko.  

Omsk veterinarians reported in December

December 1 - 20, 580 samples were received at the Expert Veterinary Laboratory of the Omsk Reference Center of the Rosselkhoznadzor (Omsky Biocluster member), with which 1020 tests were carried out. As a result, experts identified 20 cases of non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

Pushkinsky Meat Processing Plant updates technological equipment

Titan-Agro LLC (Omsky Biocluster member) is continuing to upgrade technological equipment at the Pushkinskiy Meat Processing Plant: in December, a centrifuge arrived for processing wool offal (legs, ears, tails), which are used in the manufacture of jellies, potions, liverwurst, broths and canned food.

Omsk soil is under biological load

The Expert Veterinary Laboratory of the Omsk Reference Center of the Rosselkhoznadzor (Omsky Biocluster member) received seven soil samples for testing as a state task 'Technogenic soil pollution.'