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The Ministry of Industry and Trade: mechanical engineering support for the food industry

  Evgeny Korchevoy, Director of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Construction-Road Machinery Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, took part in the meeting of the Expert Council on improving the work with suppliers of technological equipment for cattle breeding and processing industry, formed by Rosagroleasing JSC.

Dmitry Medvedev: additional financing of the agro-industrial complex

The Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development should by mid-July submit to the Government of the Russian Federation agreed proposals on additional allocation of budgetary funds for the development of the agro-industrial complex, including subsidizing concessional lending. This assignment was given by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, RIA Novosti reported.

Experts predict a high crop of wheat in 2017

  The expectation of a high harvest in the country (experts predict from 105 to 115 million tons) began to influence the market. According to Rusagrotrans, the prices for fourth-grade wheat for the last two months dropped 300-400 rubles / t in the southern and central regions, while in Siberia for third-class wheat fell by 700 rubles per ton.

Q1 2017 Russia increased pork production by 5.3%

The growth of production in agricultural organizations amounted to 3.7% (856.9 thousand tons). March 2017 the average price of agricultural producers for pigs in Russia was 94.1 rubles per kilo (Rosstat).

The first batch of Titan-Agro mixed feed was shipped to Yakutia

The first batch of mixed feed for laying hens with a volume of almost 600 tons was shipped to customers in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in late April 2017.

Procurement interventions are planned from July-August

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation intends in August this year to begin buying grain in the state intervention fund. The head of the ministry Aleksander Tkachev announced this at a briefing on the results of the meeting of the Government of Russia on Thursday, April 27.

Boris Titov: we must create a Free Trade Area with the EU

The EU in the future can be transformed into a Free Trade Area (FTA) with the participation of Russia. The Brussels position is becoming less and less understood by the EU member states after BREXIT, therefore, the decentralization of the EU becomes one of the most preferable solutions to internal disagreements. Russia's Business Ombudsman Boris Titov believes that the establishment of the FTA is a step in the right direction. Discussion with European partners is already underway.

Aleksander Tkachev announced the priority AgroExportProject

April 27, 2017 Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Aleksander Tkachev at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation under the chairmanship of Dmitry Medvedev presented a national report on the progress and results of the implementation in 2016 of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2013-2020.