1, Institutskaya Square, Omsk, Russia, 644008 Show on the map


Skolkovo hosted the School of Project Management Coaches

  Early April 2017 in the Hypercube of Skolkovo Innovation Center, the School of Project Management Coaches took place, where specialists working with children and students in the field of scientific and technical creativity were invited. Mentors were not only school teachers and university teachers, but also senior students, young scientists, engineers and technical specialists who have basic scientific and technical training and a desire to work with children's and youth projects and teams. Omsky Biocluster at this event was…

The production of russian agricultural machinery has grown by 39%

  The production of russian agricultural machinery in the first quarter increased in money terms by 39% to 27.3 billion rubles (information of Kommersant Publishing House according to Rosagromash).

Biotechnologies in agriculture, industry and medicine

April 25, 2017 regional scientific-practical conference of young scientists Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine is held in Omsk. The organizers of the conference are Foundation for the Promotion of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere, the Government of Omsk region, Agrobiotechnologies Industrial Cluster of Omsk region, Omsk State Agrarian University, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk State Medical University, Omsk State University.

Omsky Biocluster at the Regional Forum of Working Rural Youth

The delegation of Titan-Agro LLC (part of Titan Group) took part in the Regional Forum of Working Rural Youth. The forum was held on the basis of Omsk SAU. Both organizations are members of Omsky Biocluster. The forum was attended by the Governor of Omsk region, the Chairman of the Government of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov, the Minister of Agriculture and Food of Omsk region Maksim Chekusov, representatives of the business community of the region.

Will the turkey rise in price?

Restrictions on the import of hatching eggs from some European countries, introduced by Rosselkhoznadzor due to outbreaks of avian influenza, may have a negative impact on the russian market. As reported by Kommersant referring to the president of Agrifood Strategies Albert Davleev, possible difficulties with purchases, rising prices and other risks.

Council of Omsk CCI considered issues of financial support for business

April 11, 2017 the meeting of the Council of Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held. The meeting was attended by Minister of Industry, Transport and Innovative Technologies of Omsk region Viktor Belov, Minister of Agriculture and Food of Omsk region Maksim Chekusov, Minister of Economy of Omsk region Oksana Fadina, representatives of federal agencies.

Inspection of plants for quarantine: the results of Q1

Q1 2017, the staff of the Laboratory of Quarantine Phytosanitary Examinations and Research of Omsk Reference Center of Rosselkhoznadzor analyzed more than 4000 samples, of which domestic products - 3887 samples, imported products - 144.

Kharon Amerkhanov: the growth of dairy cattle breeding is our task

April 5, 2017 Director of the Department of Livestock and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Kharon Amerkhanov held a meeting on the establishment of a breeding and genetic center for the development of dairy cattle in Belgorod region.