1, Institutskaya Square, Omsk, Russia, 644008 Show on the map


Tomsk businessmen are interested in Omsk products

April 6, 2017, the delegation of 12 representatives of industrial enterprises of Tomsk visited Omsk Experimental Plant FSUE.

Changes in the state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation

Changes in the state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex have been approved by the Government of Russia. According to RIA Novosti, the new version of the document has reduced the number of subprograms and adjusted funding.

Attention - substandard feed!

According to the laboratory for the analysis of fodder of Federal State Budgetary Institution Agrochemical Service Center Omsky (member of Omsky Biocluster), in the first quarter of 2017, more than 50% of the oilcake samples did not meet the requirements of the normative documents for the content of raw protein, crude fiber, raw fat.

Omsk specialists passed Interlaboratory comparative trials

The staff of the Expert Veterinary Laboratory of Omsk Reference Center of Rosselkhoznadzor confirmed the high level of qualification.   March 2017, specialists from Omsk Reference Center participated in Interlaboratory comparative trials, organized by the official provider - the Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory.

Russian Agricultural Bank increased lending to livestock enterprises

During its activity, Russian Agricultural Bank (RusAg) has supported the implementation of 3 636 investment projects for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of livestock facilities with a total funding of about 400 billion rubles. Dmitry Patrushev, Chairman of the Board of RusAg, said this on the results of his participation in the working meeting between the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the leading livestock enterprises of Tambov region.

Mixed feed Titan-Agro LLC is sold in 25 districts of Omsk region

Since the beginning of 2017 Pushkinsky Feed Mill Titan-Agro LLC (included of Titan Group), began work on the expansion of the retail network.    

Districts of Omsk region are preparing for field work

Last week, specialists from Agrochemical Service Center Omsky FSBI took part in meetings (Omsky and Poltavsky municipal districts) for organized preparation for seasonal field work.

The Ministry of Agriculture: state support to producers of sweets, sausages and pasta

The Ministry of Agriculture proposes to expand the list of foodstuffs, whose producers can receive state support, including pasta, confectionery and sausage products. This is reported by Izvestia.