1, Institutskaya Square, Omsk, Russia, 644008 Show on the map


Business navigation in Russia (Omsk)

April 19-20, 2017 in Omsk will host a forum Business Navigation in Russia: Investment Projects as Drivers of Cluster Development. The organizers of the event are Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia) and the Government of Omsk region. The delegation of Delovaya Rossiya will be headed by the president of the organization Aleksey Repik. Among the invited participants are co-chairmen and members of Delovaya Rossiya, heads of federal executive bodies, development institutions, banks and professional associations (Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry…

Omsk clusters discussed in Delovaya Rossiya

The meeting of Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia) Committee on the chemical industry, biotechnology and new materials devoted to the topic of creating and developing investment projects in the petrochemical industry and industrial biotechnologies in Omsk region was held in Moscow on March 16, 2017.

The value of wheat continues to fall in Russia

Prices for grain continue to decline in Russia. So, wheat of the third class for a month fell in value by 0,9%, food wheat of the fourth class - by 0,7%, forage wheat - by 0,5%. Such data leads the company Spetstsentruchet v APK.

Young scientists of Omsk SAU - winners of the contest UMNIK

March 15, 2017, the winners of Umnik-2016 programme met in informal surroundings over tea with the officials of the Ministry of Industry, Transportation and Innovative Technology of Omsk region at the premises of the Ministry.

Titan-Agro LLC held an open biology lesson at the school

The leaders of the Petrovsky Pig-breeding Complex Titan-Agro LLC (member of Omsky Biocluster) conducted an open biology lesson at the Petrovskaya Secondary School No. 1 of Omsk Municipal District. The event was held within the framework of the signed agreement with the educational institution on the sponsorship and timed to the Year of Animal Husbandry in the region.

Quarantine weed found in seeds in Omsk

Experts of the Laboratory of Quarantine Phytosanitary Examinations and Surveys of Omsk Reference Center of Rosselkhoznadzor have identified the seeds of thin-stemmed dodder.

RusAg JSC doubled crediting of seasonal works

Since the beginning of this year, agricultural producers received from RusAg JSC loans worth more than 44 billion rubles - 2 times more than in the same period last year. Loans are issued for the purpose of seasonal agricultural work. More than 17 billion rubles of this amount was financed under the new mechanism of concessional lending at a rate of no more than 5% per annum.

One third of the oil samples were rejected

January and February 2017, six samples of butter were delivered to the Laboratory for the Quality and Safety of Products of Animal and Plant Origin, Feed and Environment of Omsk Reference Center of Rosselkhoznadzor (body of state supervision in the sphere of agriculture).