1, Institutskaya Square, Omsk, Russia, 644008 Show on the map


Lower EU compound feed production this year

Industrial compound feed production for farmed animals in the EU-28 is estimated at 161.7 million tons for 2019, that is 0.9% lower than in 2018, according to EU feed trade group, FEFAC, citing data provided by its members.

Omsk: new methods of the seed stock checking

The Department of Seed Production and Plant Protection of the Omsk Reference Center of the Rosselkhoznadzor (Omsky Biocluster member) began providing laboratory analysis of varietal qualities by electrophoresis.

OmSAU Business Incubator: Opportunities for Innovators

It becomes a good tradition for students of the Faculty of Economics to visit the business incubator of the Omsk State Agrarian University (Omsky Biocluster member) during the year, where students will learn about the possibilities for implementing their projects at our university. On December 12, students studying Management visited the business incubator.

A new spectrometer has arrived at the Omsk reference center

In early December, the Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Animal and Plant Products, Feed and Environmental Objects of the Omsk Reference Center of the Rosselkhoznadzor (Omsky Biocluster member) received a new atomic absorption spectrometer with electrothermal atomization and deuterium Zeeman's background corrector ZEEnit 650P.

The number of pigs in China began to grow

For the first time in a year, China has seen an increase in the number of pigs, O Presente Rural reports citing the PRC Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Ukraine sets records for the harvest of grain, and rye rises in price in Russia

As of December 10, Ukrainian farmers threshed 75.2 million tons of grain and leguminous crops from an area of 15.2 million hectares, or 99% of the forecast, the press service of the Agricultural Industry Department of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine said.

MSUTU: Staff is the main driver of development

December 5 Razumovsky's MSUTU (Omsky Biocluster member) became the venue for the two-day conference Theoretical and Pragmatic Aspects of the Formation of Personality in the Educational Space. Its organizer is the Institute for Social and Humanitarian Technologies. The conference was attended by over 100 people.

There will be a little more milk

Soyuzmoloko predicts a 3-5% increase in the export of dairy products by the end of the year, the Executive Director of the National Union of Milk Producers Artem Belov reported at the conference Agricultural Holdings of Russia 2019.